From my last post to now, i have struggled to come up with new ideas to improve upon my plot ohm are it more interesting, mysterious and in depth. I like my ideas but there is a certain opening I'm going for with certain feelings and research concerning psychology involved yet I can't seem to get to what is it. I feel with each passing post, I get closer to what I'm going for but today I took a step backwards. I feel a little stuck and brain dead, so in order to get my creativity juices flowing again, I'm going to continue watching murder mystery movies for inspiration and read some articles to give me insight. I will then continue my story boards, finish them and being filming. Due to this break in productivity, I will have to be more efficient in the future to make sure that I don't fall behind and that my work comes out exactly as I'd like with all my effort shown. It has been difficult to get motivated to do this project at some points due to the fact that m...