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A New Week

This week I was able to get back on track with this project. I filmed a few shots and they got the juices flowing again. I also spoke to some peers and they helped me come up with small ideas and put  me back on track. They told me to incorporate contemporary practices such as the use of technology into it as this would help my opening and project stand out and be creative against others. By incorporating trends that are happening right now, my opening stays relevant and would help draw in larger audiences, were this project to include the whole movie and go public. I'm glad I confronted my peers with my thinking jam as they really helped me get out of it and now I am able keep moving forward with and continue making progress. I will now go back to the drawing boards to make my idea more contemporary and original. I find that by including technology, I have a closer understanding as communicating through cellphones and social media is so common now and it would be interesting to incorporate into a murder mystery.


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